Thoharoh a language means
clean, cleanliness or purification. Meanwhile, according to
the terms is an activity hadats and purification of impure so that a
person is allowed to do a worship which are required in circumstances
such as prayer and thowaf sacred.
Activities purification
of hadats can be done with the ablution, Tayammum and bath, while the
purification of impure include purify the body, clothing and place.
The proposition that
orders for purification, among others:
"Truly Allah loves those
who repent and those who purify themselves." (Al-Baqarah: 222).
"And clean clothes and
stay away from dirty deeds (sins). (Al-Muddatstsir: 4-5).
"Cleanliness is part of
faith." (Narrated by Abu Said
Mulim of Al-Khudri).
"God will not accept
someone who does not pray purification." (Narrated by Muslim).
Thoharoh etymologically
is clean and pure from all dirt,
according to the Shari'a
is the net of all hadats or unclean. Consequences
law arising out of
thoharoh is permissibility something
not halal or something is
not kosher and should not be done without
thoharoh existence. For example, the prayer,
he should not be done except after
existence thoharoh
correct according to the rules of sharia.
There are two kinds
1. Thoharoh haqiqiyah namely
thoharoh from unclean, sepertl blood, feces,
urine etc.. He related to body
cleanliness and removes impurities
attached to it. Therefore we must know
the various unclean.
2. Thoharoh hukmiyah namely
thoharoh (purification) of hadats. Hadats it
There are two, namely
that require large hadats bath to eliminate them, and
hadats small must
eliminate it with wudu '.
A. Legal Thoharoh
Thoharoh an important
feature of Islam, which means clean or
a person is born sacred
and spiritual. Islam requires a person
cleanse his heart of
shirk, envy and jealousy.
God's Word in the letter
ash-Syu'ara: 88-89:
"On the day of wealth and
children are useless unless the people who
to God with a clean heart
Allah also commands
Muslims to keep his limbs from
immoral act, in a letter
of al-Isra ': 36
"Verily, hearing, sight
and hearts, all of which will
asked pertanggungjawabnya
Muslims are also required
to purify the body and clothing and place
prayer of the odious
nature lahlr, in line with the purification
hatl. In a letter to
al-Mudatsir: 4
"And purify your clothes"
"Thoharoh (purity) is
part of faith"
Eliminate the odious law,
required by jumhur fuqoha ', both contained
dipakaian and body or
tempatt prayer.
B. THE TYPES unclean
1. Something out of the
human body.
Everything that comes out
of human body which obliges wudu 'or
bath is unclean like
urinating, defecating, mazi, wadi, menstrual blood,
puerperal blood,
istihadhoh blood, blood flowing from wounds.
2. Blood flow:
a. The blood that flows
derived from humans and animals are unclean.
b. Blood bedbugs and
mosquitoes are not unclean.
c. The blood that remains in
the meat and tendons da1am after slaughter
not considered to be
unclean, because he is not blood flow.
3. Something out of the
animal body (urine and feces).
a. Piss and feces of animals
whose flesh must not be eaten is
b. Piss animals whose flesh
may dlmakan, some scholars (Imam Abu
Hanifa and Abu Yusuf)
said unclean, but most of the fuqoha '.
(Ash-Syaibani priest,
an-Nakha'l, al-Auza; l, az-Zuhri.Malik and
Ahmad) said it holy.
c. Feces of animals whose
flesh may be eaten is sacred (Hanafl and
d. Droppings of birds that
do not fly through the air like a chicken and ducks are
unclean dirt. While the birds that fly
through the air, if
edible meat offal, the
sacred, but when the meat is not eaten,
then stools unclean.
4. Alcohol (liquor).
There are two opinions in
this case, there is wine and there are defiled
consider it holy (only
forbidden to dlkonsumsi). An object that dlanggap
odious is forbidden to
eat, otherwise law establishing illicit
an object does not mean
that it was unclean, like the law of illicit
wearing silk and gold for
men, does not change the status of second
thing, because the two
objects that are considered sacred.
5. Dead animals.
a. Animals that do not have
blood flowing like flies, no
be defiled when he died.
b. Animals whose blood is
flowing, is divided into three kinds:
1. Animal carcass may be
eaten, fish, marine animals and
2. Animal carcass should not
be eaten (besides humans) is
like animals that may eat
the meat, the carcass is unclean.
3. Human remains sacred,
both when he was alive or after he
died. Ibn Qudama argues that
Gentiles become impure after he passed away.
c. Parts of the body of
existing bodies of blood, such as meat and skin
odious, while parts of
the body no blood such as horns,
bone, teeth, nails, hair,
feathers and so on Iain.
There are three pcndapat:
1. Everything odious
{Syati'l and Ahmad bin Hambal).
2. Unclean bones, but the
hair and feathers sacred (Malik and Ahmad).
3. Everything is pure (Abu
Hanifah, some schools of Malik and Ahmad).
d. Milk and fat carcasses is
unclean according to the Hanbali school, Malik and
While Ahmad and Abu
Hanifah said that the sacred with the argument that
the companions may Allah
be pleased never to eat cheese when entering the territory of Persia,
and cheese
was taken from a young
goat. while the animals they
sembellhan (Zoroastrianism)
regarded as dead. This opinion is supported
by Ibn Taymiyyah.
e. Body part that is cut
when the animal is still alive
unclean, if in it there
is blood. Considered sacred in the
blood such as hair and
6. Pig and Dog.
A whole pig unclean,
scdangkan jilatannya dogs are
unclean, unclean not fur.
7. Used beverage.
Former law of this
beverage bcrbeda odious and sacred in terms of ex-drinks
itself, as follows:
a. Used beverage person is
sacred, whether Muslim or infidel.
b. Used beverage can eat
animal flesh is sacred.
c. Used beverage cat is
d. Former water dogs and
pigs are unclean (Hambali, Syafi'l,
How to Eliminate Unclean
1. Eliminate unclean water
or other liquids?
a. Essential unclean water
can be removed with an absolute saint
b. Liquids other than water,
such as vinegar, rose water etc. according to Hambali,
Mallki, Syafi'l etc, can
not be dipakal to eliminate the odious, because
purity can not be
obtained except by holy water absolute.
2. If the soil is exposed to
unclean, how mensucikannya with:
a. Spraying water.
"There is Someone Arab
stand and urinate in the mosque, then
people stood up to stop
it. So the Prophet of Allah
Let the person and urine
setimba alirkanlah above water, because
surely ye are sent as a
bearer of glad tidings and do not
was sent as the people
who bring trouble. "
Syafi'l and Imam Malik
believes that the hadith above shows that
purification of the
affected land can not be defiled dllakukan except with water,
not to do with drying by
blowing wind or by
hot sun.
b.Mengeringkannya with
sun or wind.
"I used to spend the
night in the mosque at the time of the Prophet Muhammad. At that time
I was young and single,
wild dogs pee, coming and going
in the mosque, but the
companions of the Prophet Muhammad did not have a pour
something to piss the
former "(From Ibn Umar, Abu Daud).
History states that the
mosque became the holy land with the process
drying, because the soil
was not washed and not sprayed with
water (think Abu
Hanltah). Ibn Taymiyyah said: The
if it disappears in any
way, it also lost its law, good
loss with the process of
drying or by hot sun, or through
the process of changing
to another form that is not odious sepertl dust and
salt. Aisha is said to purify
the land with the dry. This
valid if it is impure
liquid, but if the ground is not frozen
become sacred, except by
removing the excrement.
3. Purifying slippers or
shoes to rub the ground.
"It was narrated from Abu
Sa'eed al Maqbari that the Prophet of Allah said: if one
one of you came to the
mosque, then let him reverse the second
sandals while viewing it.
When he saw the mess her
let him wiped to the
ground, then use it
untuksholat. "(Imam
4. Purify the exposed tip
wanjta unclean clothes on the ground.
Odious that about a
dangling end women's clothing will ground
sanctified by a holy land
and clean, which passed by a woman
after he was through the
land previously dirty. As an answer
Raslllullah saw when
asked about it: "So this land
purified with the land
after that. "(HR.lmam Malik). Only unclean
dry or wet and a bit
unclean found on the clothes tip
can be eliminated in that
way, being unclean, wet with
many to be washed.
5.Mensucikan baby clothes
from the urine.
For those who do not eat
baby food, only breast milk alone, then as HR.
Abu Daud of Ali bin Abi
Thallb, Rasulullah SAW said: "Urinary child
men sprinkle while peeing
girls washed "
6. Purify clothes from
menstrual blood. Although little remains
unclean menstrual blood,
so it should be washed
thoroughly, if it had been washed clean and still there
former stain could
7. Cleaning the slippery
objects such as glass, mirrors, bottles, knives etc. are
by rubbing (remove)
unclean attached to it until the missing
8. Purifying the skins of
animals (dogs and pigs selaln).
Before the tanned skins
of animals are unclean and impure. Ibn
Abbas heard the Messenger
of Allah said in HR. Muslim: "Skin
Tanned whatever, then he
is holy "
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