In this paper, will be
presented three important issues related to women's menstruation, is
about whether women should enter into the mosque menstruation, touching
and reading the Qur'an.
Can a woman who is
menstruating, and sit in the mosque?
Some scholars forbid a
woman entered and sat in the mosque with a proposition:
لاأحل المسجد لحائض ولا
"I do not justify the
mosque for women who are menstruating and people who junub." (Reported
by Abu Daud no.232, al Bayhaqi II/442-443, etc.)
However, the above hadith
is a hadith dho'if (weak), although having some syawahid (booster) but
the chain-isnaad is weak so it can not sustain her and can not be
hujjah. Sheikh
Albani-rahimahullaah-have explained it in 'Dho'if Sunan Abi Daud' no. 32 and argue that
menshahihkan scholars like Ibn Khuzaimah hadith, Ibn al Qohthon, and Ash
Syaukani. He also mentions the
dho'if of this hadith in Irwa'ul Gholil 'I/201-212 no. 193.
Here are some of the
arguments used by scholars who allow a menstruating woman sitting in the
mosque (Jami 'Ahkamin Nisa' I/191-192):
The existence of a black
woman who lived in the mosque at the time of the Prophet
shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam. But there is no theorem
that states that the Prophet shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam ordered him to
leave the mosque when he had a menstruating.
shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam told 'Aisha radhiyallahu'anha, "Do what can
be done by people other than thowaf pilgrimage in the House." The ban
is due thowaf thowaf in the House, including prayer, then she was only
banned for thowaf and not prohibited enter into the mosque. If people are allowed to
enter mosque hajj, then it is also permissible for a woman who is
Women who are
menstruating are allowed in and sat in the mosque because there are no
clear arguments and shohih that prohibit it. However, these women
should keep themselves so well that his blood did not pollute the
Can a woman who is
menstruating read the Qur'an (with hafalannya)?
Some scholars argue that a
menstruating woman forbidden to read the Qur'an (with hafalannya) with
لا تقرأ الحا ءض ولا الجنب
شيئا من القران
"People junub and
menstruating women should not be read one bit from the Qur'an."
(Narrated by Imam Tirmidhi I/236; Al Bayhaqi I/89 from Isma'il ibn
'Ayyasi from Musa bin' Uqbah from Nafi 'from Ibn' Umar )
Al-Bayhaqi said: "In this
hadith needs to be checked again. Muhammad ibn Ismail
al-Bukhari according to which up to me saying, 'Surely this is the
hadeeth narrated Ayyasi from Musa bin Isma'il bin' Uqbah and I do not
know another hadith narrated, while Isma'il is munkar haditsnya (when)
the teacher comes from the Hijaz and
'Iraq'. "
Al 'Uqaili said,
"Abdullah bin Ahmad said,' My father (Imaam Ahmad) said, 'This hadith
false. I deny this hadith
because of Ismail ibn 'Ayyasi' the fault is caused by Isma'il ibn
'Ayyasi'. "
Shaykh Al-Albani says,
"This is narrated from the hadeeth of this population dhoif Hijaz."
(Summarized from the ban-ban Regarding Menstruation Women of Irwa'ul
Gholil I/206-210)
The conclusion of the
priests hadith scholars comment on the above hadith is weak hadith
chains so it can not be used as arguments to ban female menstrual
reading the Qur'an.
Hadith of 'Aisha
radhiyallahu'anha he said, "I came to Mecca while I was menstruating. I did not do thowaf in
the House and (sa'i) between Shofa and Marwah. I report my situation to
the Prophet shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam, then he said, 'Do what is
usually done by pilgrims than thowaf in the House until you holy.'
"(Hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari no. 1650)
A person who performed
Hajj allowed to dhikr and reading Qur'an. So, both cases also
permissible for a menstruating woman because the woman is forbidden by
the above hadith-based-only thowaf in the House. (Jami 'Ahkamin Nisa'
Women who are
menstruating are allowed to dhikr and reading Qur'an as there is no
clear arguments and shohih of Prophet shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam that
prohibits it. Allaah the Exalted knows
Can a woman who is
menstruating mushhaf touch the Quran?
There has been
disagreement among scholars. Scholars who forbade it
as evidence the verses:
لا يمسة إلا المطهرون
"No touch but the
servants are sanctified." (Surat al Waqi'ah: 79)
يمس mushhaf intention is
to touch the Qur'an. المطهرون means people who
purification. It is therefore not
allowed to touch the Qur'an Manuscripts except for people who have
hadats purification of large or small.
They also evidence the
hadeeth of Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad ibn 'Amr ibn Hazm from his father from
his grandfather that the Prophet shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam write a
letter to the Yemeni population and includes the words:
لا يمس القران إلا طا هر
"They should not touch
the Qur'an except the pure." (Hadith Al Atsram of Daruqutni)
Sanad of this Hadith
dho'if but has other chains-chains that sustain her, so be saheeh li
ghairihi (Irwa'ul Ghalil I/158-161, no. 122)
Menstruating women
scholars who allow touching mushhaf Qur'an gives the following
إنه لقرءان كريم في كتاب
مكنو ن لا يمسه إلا المطهرون تتريل من رب العا لمين
"Verily, Al qur'an this
is a very noble passage in the book is maintained. Not menyentuhya except
(slaves) who purified. Derived by Robbul
'Alamin. "(Surat al Waqi'ah: 77-80)
ه pronoun (her on "No
touching") back to كتاب مكنون (Book is maintained). Ibn 'Abbas, Jabir bin
Zaid, and Abu Nuhaik said, "(It is) the book that is in heaven".
Adh Dhahhak said, "They
(unbelievers) think that the devil-Satan who down the Qur'an to Muhammad
shallallaahu'alaihi wa sallam, then God preached to them that the
demons powerless and unable to do so." (Tafseer Ath Thobari XI/659).
About المطهرون according
to the opinion of some scholars, among them:
Ibn 'Abbas said, "It is
the angels. Similarly, the opinion of
Anas, Mujahid, 'Ikrimah, Sa'id bin Jubair, Adh Dhahhak, Abu Sya'tsa',
Jabir bin Zaid, Abu Nuhaik, As Suddi, 'Abdurrohman bin Zayd bin Aslam,
and besides them. "[Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Terj.)]
Ibn Zayd said, "that the
angels and the Prophets. These messengers (angels)
that lowers from the side of God sanctified, consecrated prophets, and
apostles who took him too sanctified. "(Tafseer Ath Thobari XI/659)
Imam Ash Syaukani said in
Nailul Author, Book Thoharoh, Chapter necessity of doing wudoo When
Implementing Want Prayer, Thowaf, and Touching Mushhaf: "the consecrated
servants are the servants who are not unclean, while a Mu'min forever
not the unclean according to the hadith:
المؤمن لا ينجس
"The believers were not
defiled." (Agreed alaih)
So it is not illegal to
bring meaning (servant) that purified for people who do not junub,
menstruation, those who berhadats, or bring things unclean. However, obliged to take
it to mean: People who are not idolaters, as in the word of Allah, the
Exalted, which means, "Verily, the idolaters were unclean." (Surat
At-Tauba: 28)
In addition lafadz used
in the verse is in the form of his maf'ul isim (people who clean), not
in the form isim fa'il (people who purification). Certainly it contains a
very different meaning.
Regarding the hadeeth
"Can not touch the Qur'an except the pure ', Shaykh Al-Albani
Nashiruddin rahimahullah said," The most near-Allaah knows best-that
"the pure" in this hadeeth is good believers in a state berhadats big, small,
woman's menstrual period, or that there are objects on top of her body
defiled by the words he shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam: "The believers are
never impure" and above the agreed upon hadith. What is meant in this
hadith (ie the hadith is not allowed to touch the Qur'an except the
pure) that he forbade provides power to the idolaters to touch it, as in
the hadith:
نهى أن يسا فر با لقران
إلى أرض العدو
"He forbade travel by
bringing the Qur'an to the land of the enemy." (Hadith narrated
Bukhari). (Quoted from the ban-ban
Regarding Menstruation Women of Tamamul Minnah, p.. 107).
Still, for someone who
berhadats small medium he wanted to hold Manuscripts to read it then
he's better ablution first. Mush'ab bin Sa'ad bin Abi
Waqash said, "I'm holding mushhaf in the presence of Sa'ad bin Abi
Waqash then I scratched. Then Sa'd said, 'Do you
have touched the dick? "I replied,' Yes. 'He said,' Stand up and
berwudhulah! 'So I stood up and made ablution and then I come back."
(Narrated by Imam Malik in Al Muwaththa' with a saheeh isnaad)
Marwazi ibn Ishaq said,
"I said (to the Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal), 'Is someone can read without
ablution first?' He replied, 'Yes, but should he not read the mushhaf
before ablution."
Rahawaih ibn Ishaq said,
"which he said is true, because there is a hadith of the Prophet
shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam. He said, 'They should not
touch the Qur'an except the pure' and so too are done by the Companions
of the Prophet shallallahu'alaihi wa sallam. "(From Prohibition
Regarding Women Menstruation-ban, from Irwaul Gholil I/161 of the Period
' Imam Ahmad p. il. 5)
Abu Muhammad ibn Hazm in
Al Muhalla I/77 said, "Touching mushhaf and dhikr of Allah is worship is
allowed to do and the perpetrators be rewarded. So whoever is prohibited
from doing so, he should bring in the argument. "(Jami 'Ahkamin Nisa'
Women who are
menstruating are allowed to touch the Koran mushhaf because there are no
clear arguments and shohih that prohibit it. Wallaahu Almighty knows
Regarding restrictions
Menstruation Women, Sunnah Magazine article 01 / IV / 1420-1999, Abu
Muslim al Atsari Sholihah.
Jami 'Ahkamin Nisa',
Musthofa Shaykh al 'Adawi.
Tafsir Al Qur'an Al
'Adziim (Terj. Tafseer Ibn Katheer Volume 8), Ibn Kathir.
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