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Perempuan apabila sembahyang lima waktu, puasa bulan Ramadhan, memelihara kehormatannya serta taat akan suaminya, masuklah dia dari pintu syurga mana sahaja yang dikehendaki.(Women are five times when prayer, fasting month of Ramadan, will maintain his honor and obey her husband, she entered the door of heaven where the desired sake only.)

Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

How to gain more followers on Twitter

twitter logo How to gain more followers on Twitter
Twitter is one of the biggest websites in social media and is only going to grow bigger. I've been on Twitter for a few years now and have learned a few tips to help grow your following and be more influential.


Following other people can increase your following because they may follow you back. Not everyone will follow you back but a good majority of people will.


If someone sends you an @ reply always make sure to reply to it. If you don't reply to them but are replying to other people then they may get fed up and unfollow you. Also send an @ reply to random people if they ask a question and they may return the favor to you by following.


A good method to pick up new followers is when you email somebody always have a link to your Twitter account, if the person you are emailing is on Twitter they may follow you.


It is always a good thing to link to your Twitter account from your website or blog. People who like what you write about can see where you are most of the time and it also allows them to connect with you.


If you have a business card then it'd be great to include your Twitter username because this allows for people to easily re-connect with you.


When posting a comment on a blog, instead of posting a link to your website, why not link to your Twitter profile? This will increase the visibility of your Twitter profile on the internet and will probably result in more followers.

Follow Back

If somebody follows you and they are not a bot then return the follow and see how you can connect with that person in different ways to build a relationship.


If you want to really increase the visibility of your Twitter account in the real world then why not get a shirt or any other kind of clothing printed with your Twitter username, you never know how many followers you may be walking passed each day.


Retweeting people's links is a great way to get them to follow you, if somebody Retweets a link of mine and I am not following them, I will follow them as a way of saying thanks.

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