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Perempuan apabila sembahyang lima waktu, puasa bulan Ramadhan, memelihara kehormatannya serta taat akan suaminya, masuklah dia dari pintu syurga mana sahaja yang dikehendaki.(Women are five times when prayer, fasting month of Ramadan, will maintain his honor and obey her husband, she entered the door of heaven where the desired sake only.)

Senin, 13 Desember 2010

File conversion for free! Convert any file to anything!

File conversion for free! Convert any file to anything!: "WOW! I just went over to MakeUseOf and man did they find a kickass tool that I wish I had knew about earlier! I’ve had to convert a lot of documents from PDF to JPEG, PDF to Word, Word to JPG and I ended up buying some software for about $50 that did SOME, not all, of these few conversions…

Well, there is a web site called ZamZar and it’s a completely free tool that you can use to convert between just about any possible type you can think of! They have all the document types, image types, music formats, and video formats! This is so much better than those commercial apps that only convert between specific formats and they cost some!

And it’s terribly easy, off the main page, just browse for your file, pick what you want it converted to, enter your email address and click Convert! I tried to convert a PDF to Word and it took about 1 minute to upload the file, receive an email and download the converted file! Now that’s a cool service. So if you or your business needs to convert files, this is the place to go!

- Sent using Google Toolbar"


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