"Every beauty is visible to the eye,That's the beauty of the jewelry world,but the most beautiful among all
sholeha wife only, wife sholeha .."That song bang haji sepengggal rhoma rhythm .. really
beautiful to hear, making the women honored, happy, happy, but not a few
of them feel embarrassed, sad, even crying. Because in his heart to
wonder:" if aq including jewelry world ???".
sholeha wife,, a predicate termulya .. for a woman in the eyes of God as
his servant, ... as heart conditioning at all times for her husband,
and as a good mother for her daughter's son.Without conscious world, many women think, what can be called
women sholehah when women every day at home? Dressed and veiled Muslim
women to cover his private parts?, Serve well, good akhlaqnya, educate
and care for her own children with patience, welcome the arrival of her husband with a smile, a wife that guns are
'never angry perform housework, wives are always according to the
husband?? I do not know ... because a lot of criteria that is given to
women to be women sholeha. Among them there are
@ Wife who was the wife of a devout
sholeha worship. (As well as a pious husband .. should be an example or
role models for wives and children in terms of worship).@ Wife had to close his private parts properly according to
Islamic Shari'a
@ Sholeha wife who
was the wife of a noble berakhlaq. (Thus jg
husband).@ Wives should be silent and
listen to her husband when he was talking. (If the wife is talking jg
whether the husband was willing to listen?)@
Always obey their husbands, while orders that do not lead to immoral
acts. (If the command is not in accordance with
the teachings of Islam if her husband could receive if the wife does not
carry it out? Whether divorce and domestic violence will not be
experienced by a wife??)@ Pleasure and
accept what is above all what the husbands give to wives. when less or more. (Whether the husband
is also willing to accept what it is with all faults wife?)@ Do not say no to her husband if he wanted to making out with
his wife. (Whether the husband jg willing to
serve his wife if the wife takes her affection??)@ No leaving the house except with permission of their
husbands. (If a husband? Allowed to leave the
house even though guns' wife's permission?)@
Maintain fidelity to the husband. should not be
having an affair behind her husband, aka always maintain his honor. (What about husbands? Whether husband also keep his honor
while he was outside the house?)@ Keep the
treasure husband, anak2 if the husband does not exist at home. (Ok.. Husbands earn money aja ya .. without even knowing the
problem of education for children .. and if one day there is a failure
on her children live just blame his wife as a mother who maintain and
educate his children.)
@ Not asked for
nothing that my husband can not afford fulfilled. (How
kl vice versa?? Whether the husband was not angry if his wife could not
fulfill what her husband's request?)@
Respect the family's husband and also the relatives. (What about the family's wife, if husband jg would respect and
appreciate his wife's family and relatives?)@ Always decorated themselves when in the presence of her
husband, otherwise not decorated when the absence of husbands. (According to my wife have always decorated themselves in
front of her husband and the husband is also always decorated themselves
in front of ornate istri.bukan when to go to work wearing perfume, but
after coming home straight to bed without a bath and go around his own.)@ Wear perfumery of the time my husband was home. (I think that really they should always be fragrant all the
time,,)@ Bring him to the front door when
he wanted to come out and greet him when he came home with senyuman.ok@ Putting the purposes of keperluannya own husband. ex: husband was taken to eat first and we deh a meal.@ Always maintain the good name of her husband.@ Always maintain the health, cleanliness and perfection of
himself and his household. (Jg husband should help
maintain the cleanliness. Is it true??)@
Always be grateful when you receive a blessing or a trial from Allaah.@ Carry out duties as a wife and mother and all the
commandments of God and command her husband with courage and patience.
So it is a bit of the criteria to become a wife sholeha.begitu
difficult and not easily endured by some women in dunia.tapi is
unfortunate, all criteria were everywhere written is not matched with
the criteria that pious husband. indeed ironic. actually we all want what's best for the integrity of our
homes. therefore, together let's make it happen. as the leader of a noble household help your wife into a
woman's dream hatimu.bimbinglah him with him with ten pengertian.jangan
kesabaran.sayangilah often do you blame him, do not you underestimate
the sacrifice, listen to his voice, do not you hurt her and do not you
love and love nodai unfortunately.the latter, though hard, hopefully we can become like a dream
wife sholeha all of us .. AmiinRobbana Hablana min ajwajina wadzuriyyaatina kurrata 'ayyun
waj'alna lilmutaqiina imamaa. "(O Lord We're
blessed to our wives and children of remedy, the eyes and made them
leaders for the pious)". Amiin.Forgive Ya
Allah, the husband who never mendzalimi and betrayed his wife and
children anaknya.Juga forgive the wives who are not obedient to her
husband and abandoning her family. Forgive us if
one of the family and educate our children Ya Allah. grant blessing and blessings for our wedding our wedding
akhirat.langgengkanlah world .. ya Allah make our families sakinah
mawaddah warahmah.amiin.Ya Allah save our
children, Gentlemen ruqyah, reinforced imannya.Berikan Ya Allah, which
is better than what we got. Make ahlimulia world,
experts Heaven thy noble, Yes Alloh.amiiiiinMany
good people in the view of the size of the prophet Muhammad, including
the person wholearn the Quran and teach it. Even in another hadeeth he jga berdsabda:"People who are adept at reading the Koran, then he will be
placed together withservants of a noble, and
people who read the Koran in and he stammeredfind
it difficult, so her two reward ".
so people who read the Koran and his difficulty in reading, stillstill get two rewards, reward and reward because of the
difficulty reading it.The glory is not in the
people who read the Koran. But he also muststill studying and learning, so in the future he will be
included in a class of people whoadept at
reading the Koran.Therefore the Companions
RA terdahalu give attention to such portions andgreat to learn the Quran and then teach it to others.Menstruating blood is the blood that became "guests" monthly
naturally for all women whoalready baligh. So for the Eve is no need to fret and sad because I could notrun multiple worship as well as men, because this is a destinyAllah SWT, even though there are a lot of wisdom behind the
arrival of 'guest' is.However, as a Muslim, he
must know the laws that syar'iassociated with
these menstruating childbed and of course also included in this
discussion,so that he can perform a variety of
worship in accordance with the correct guidance.One day the Prophet Muhammad Aisha RA was found crying this
time-traveling eventsboth in the Farewell Hajj
'- the Holy Prophet asked him: "Whatmakes you
cry?, are you coming menstruating? ".He
said:"This is something that God has set upon
the children of Adam granddaughter,but do all
that is usually done by people who are pilgrims besides thawaf surroundtemple ".(H. R. Muslim)Similarly, the above hadith explains that for women who are
menstruating to have legalspecifically in
worship and do not let him grieve for each month must arrival'Guest' on a regular basis.Reading
Al-Quran while menstruating / puerperalActually
the problem reading the Koran for women who are menstruating or giving
birth there were twoview of our scholars from
earlier times:First: Read it only in the
liver and without holding ManuscriptsThe first
opinion was supported by Jumhur (Majority) scholars, they suggest notwhy for a woman who is menstruating or giving birth to read
the Koran, butjust by looking at the
Manuscripts without holding the Koran and read it even inliver, when to say it is not allowed. They
argued with the hadithswho has a degree of
weakness.Second: The permitOpinions are allowed, that some scholars, because there is no
proof that prohibit it.Among Imam Bukhari and
Ibn Taymiyyah. Ibn Taymiyyah said: "no one hadithprohibiting any woman to read the Koran ". Because the hadith:"Women should not
be menstruating and junub read the Koran at all", is a weak hadith
hadith.Formerly the women at the time of
the Prophet SAW has been menstruating, should readAl-Quran is forbidden for them as well as prayer, the Prophet
would surelyexplain to his people and
Umahatul Believers will learn it, sosubmitted
by the scholars to the people of this. Now
when there is no theorem of the Prophet Muhammadwhich forbids the number of women menstruating at the
time he will notforbidden to them.But keep in mind is not why read the Koran for women
whois menstruating or in a state of
puerperal read the Koran. But the
emphasis hereis if it is performed in
an emergency (emergency) like a teacher whois teaching his students, a student who read something about
keeping wirid roteAl-Quran day or
night, but what if read in order tomengapai
reward for bertaqarrub only and specifically to God so that moreprincipal is not doing it, because jumhur (majority)
view that scholarswomen who are
menstruating should not be reading the Koran.And Allaah knows best bishshawab Wassalamu 'alaikumu wr.wb
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