In 1998 there were just a handful of sites of the type that are now identified as weblogs (so named by Jorn Barger in December 1997). Jesse James Garrett, editor of Infosift,
began compiling a list of "other sites like his" as he found them in
his travels around the web. In November of that year, he sent that list
to Cameron Barrett. Cameron published the list on Camworld, and others maintaining similar sites began sending their URLs to him for inclusion on the list. Jesse's 'page of only weblogs' lists the 23 known to be in existence at the beginning of 1999.
Suddenly a community sprang up. It was easy to read all of the weblogs on Cameron's list, and most interested people did. Peter Merholz announced in early 1999 that he was going to pronounce it 'wee-blog' and inevitably this was shortened to 'blog' with the weblog editor referred to as a 'blogger.'
At this point, the bandwagon jumping began. More and more people
began publishing their own weblogs. I began mine in April of 1999.
Suddenly it became difficult to read every weblog every day, or even to
keep track of all the new ones that were appearing. Cameron's list grew
so large that he began including only weblogs he actually followed
himself. Other webloggers did the same. In early 1999 Brigitte Eaton compiled a list of every weblog she knew about and created the Eatonweb Portal.
Brig evaluated all submissions by a simple criterion: that the site
consist of dated entries. Webloggers debated what was and what was not a
weblog, but since the Eatonweb Portal was the most complete listing of
weblogs available, Brig's inclusive definition prevailed.
This rapid growth continued steadily until July 1999 when Pitas, the first free build-your-own-weblog tool launched, and suddenly there were hundreds. In August, Pyra released Blogger, and Groksoup
launched, and with the ease that these web-based tools provided, the
bandwagon-jumping turned into an explosion. Late in 1999 software
developer Dave Winer introduced Edit This Page,
and Jeff A. Campbell launched Velocinews. All of these services are
free, and all of them are designed to enable individuals to publish
their own weblogs quickly and easily.
The original weblogs were link-driven sites. Each was a mixture in
unique proportions of links, commentary, and personal thoughts and
essays. Weblogs could only be created by people who already knew how to
make a website. A weblog editor had either taught herself to code HTML
for fun, or, after working all day creating commercial websites, spent
several off-work hours every day surfing the web and posting to her
site. These were web enthusiasts.
Many current weblogs follow this original style. Their editors
present links both to little-known corners of the web and to current
news articles they feel are worthy of note. Such links are nearly always
accompanied by the editor's commentary. An editor with some expertise
in a field might demonstrate the accuracy or inaccuracy of a highlighted
article or certain facts therein; provide additional facts he feels are
pertinent to the issue at hand; or simply add an opinion or differing
viewpoint from the one in the piece he has linked. Typically this
commentary is characterized by an irreverent, sometimes sarcastic tone.
More skillful editors manage to convey all of these things in the
sentence or two with which they introduce the link (making them, as Halcyon pointed out to me, pioneers in the art and craft of microcontent).
Indeed, the format of the typical weblog, providing only a very short
space in which to write an entry, encourages pithiness on the part of
the writer; longer commentary is often given its own space as a separate
These weblogs provide a valuable filtering function for their
readers. The web has been, in effect, pre-surfed for them. Out of the
myriad web pages slung through cyberspace, weblog editors pick out the
most mind-boggling, the most stupid, the most compelling.
But this type of weblog is important for another reason, I think. In Douglas Rushkoff's Media Virus, Greg Ruggiero of the Immediast Underground is quoted as saying, "Media is a corporate possession...You cannot participategoogle-site-verification=ConJMH783GAFpknpANwlOsajeF2uHunuHjbBhFZBAcw
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